In a world full of depression and anxiety, a sleep tight worry doll will help your child to manage their stress or fears through the doll. The different studies and various interviews with the children in the age group of 6-10 proved that they need someone or something to release their anxiety.

Worry dolls are the best options for your child because they will help them to overcome their fear and they will also reduce the chances of going into depression. When you are growing, you will need a support system to which you can trust and tell them everything. This is the main reason behind the origin of the sleep tight worry doll.

Chronology behind worry dolls:

The worry dolls are mainly originated from the highland indigenous people of Guatemala and you should also know that these worry dolls are also found in some parts of Mexico. Worry dolls are also known as trouble dolls. The size of the dolls will vary from design to design but it is not more than 2 inches. All the worry dolls are mostly handmade which will make them comfortable for the children.

sleep tight worry doll

You will also find several sleep tight book types which will help your child to fight their anxiety with the different types of stories in the book. The authors of the stories in this book will make children comfortable and it will also help children to relax.

The main motive behind these story books is to get rid of worries when they are sleeping.

Many psychiatrists will also give you references to use the worry dolls and they advise using them when your children are sleeping.

The material used in worry dolls:

As we know that the sleep tight book types are handmade and the materials used in the dolls are very basic such as wire, wool, and several colorful textiles. People will make sure that children will love the doll and be comfortable with it. The dolls are also dressed in several outfits. You can choose your favorite color and the outfit you like on your doll. This is the traditional way of manufacturing the worry doll.

In modern culture, the worry dolls are relatively larger than the traditional ones. The materials used in these dolls are also different such as the pressed paper and the wool. Most of the time, people also use several types of paper and adhesive tape on the doll.

You can sleep with the doll at night to recover your anxiety. This is the best way to keep your child away from any conditions of depression that may occur in the future. Therefore, availing yourself to sleep tight worry dolls will be extremely beneficial for you for sure.

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